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“Driven by emotion and interplay, simple characters playfully inhabit a slightly skewed world. The works capture intimate glimpses, providing the viewer an opportunity to discover and imagine through reflection of their own life experience.”


There is nothing quite like seeing a two dimensional image developed into a three dimensional sculpture - the full nature of the story is revealed as you move around the piece.




Guided by the original drawings, carvings are constructed using high quality chalk resin over steel and timber armatures. Basic structures are carved using hand held rotary burrs, blades and garnets.  Further detailing takes place with air dry clay blended with PVA binders and hardened with resin soaking.

Completed carvings are etch-primed then the detailing is painted with a combination of hand painted acrylics and spray painted automotive 2-pacs.

At the beginning of 2020 hand made cellulose clay was introduced as a reliable, high quality environmentally sound alternative.

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